100 Bad Stock Photos Vrs. 4 Pros
I love this video not only cause its funny and cute but it also shows a visually interesting example of what to do and NOT to do. Having...
Before you buy stock imagery, you really should read this…
Before you buy stock imagery, you really should read this… Hi there - us again! This GoodHuman blog post is really more of a PSA. Why?...
The Business of You- Photographically Speaking- 2017 New Beginnings.
2017. It’s January, and if you are like most people, this is the most motivated you will be all year to make some life changes. At GoodHuman
One Small Way To Make a BIG Difference With Your Corporate Headshots
We at Good Human often get asked, "how can our business make our office headshots look different than our competition's?" That's a great...
5 New Things To Think About Before Your Next Headshot
There are a lot of lists that prepare you for corporate/business head shots, and most of them cover some great basics: 1- Choose the...