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American Institute of Architects

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2022 and 2023


Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Birmingham

My photography work with the Architects of America was a captivating journey into the heart of architectural innovation. Traveling across cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Birmingham, and San Francisco, I had the privilege of capturing the essence of these visionary professionals at work in their studios. Through a lens focused on documentary business photography, I aimed to showcase the intricacies of the architectural process, highlighting the synergy between creativity and craftsmanship. From website imagery that beautifully encapsulated the spirit of each architect's unique approach to headshot photography that captured their personalities, my goal was to provide a comprehensive visual narrative. The photographs not only depicted the business in action but also served as a testament to the dedication and passion embedded in every architectural project. This collaboration with the Architects of America allowed me to blend artistic expression with the practicalities of the architectural world, producing imagery that goes beyond mere documentation, offering a glimpse into the dynamic and innovative realm of contemporary architecture.

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