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3 Day Event for the automobile industry in Southern California: This year me and a team of videographers and editors started a new project that has been a game changer for the corporate event industry.  We've had so much positive feed back about this way of working at events that I wanted to show visual references of the photography and videos that were produced on the shoot to show what takes place.

In a nut shell, me and my team are creating real time high produced content (photography and edited videos) that can be used for marketing purposes. Everything from interviews to sizzle reels to wrap up videos all are being edited and 


7:30 am on Day 1 (Tuesday Morning):  The client started the 3 day event off with a golf networking event.  Secretly its just a good opportunity for attendees to meet each other and make connections.  What our job was to create a video of everyone playing but also having a good time.  We also made sure to start the video with the sponsors logo and info and also made sure to show the subtle hint of branding when possible.  Signs, flags, shwag, gifts etc...  I also was doing all of the photography and we shot proper group photos of each team with the sponsors logo to give away the next day.  Yes, I got them printed and prepared them to be handed out. WITH the logo etc... Its a win win for everyone.


The last and final opportunity to show off the event was the 60 second video clip of the golf event that could be used on all of the social media channels, blog posts etc..  We used drones, multiple cameras, sound, music and compelling editing to deliver the final product.  The edit of the video and photos were done with in hours of the golf ending and was being shown by the evening opening event.

6PM Opening Event first night party (Tuesday):  This opening event was at the hotel that was hosting the event.  Me and team shot from 6-9pm capturing all of the fun, speaches, food, music and networking that happened.  Keeping in mind the party was fun, but our job is to make it look even more exciting and worth the time to be there.  Networking networking and smiles and connecting.  Which it was, we just make it more of all of that.

Wednesday- 7:30am- Day 2 (Event Day): We start our day setting up so we can be on the go when the doors open at 9am.  Both the photo team and the video team are preparing all the gear and we start shooting b-roll, setting up an interview space with lights and preparing an editing suite in a back room.  Signs, event space, people gathering and networking, getting food etc...  I am photographing similar things but also shooting all the booths.  All of this is to prepare for the edits and photography that is going to be needed later in the day.


Most importantly we are preparing for the sessions that will be taking place all day and the interviews that need to be done. This video needs to be engaging and compelling.  We use slick editing, music, fast cuts and dynamic compositions to create videos that the view wants to see.  At the end of the day (literally) this is all that matters.

Throughout the day: the video team is creating interviews with important vendors, speakers and industry leaders to be used for social media and other outlets.

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