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Moving Forward...

It is now summer, and it’s getting harder to postpone the work we’ve had to put on hold since March. So let’s get it done! Most businesses are settling into a new normal, and that should be reflected in your marketing, branding and visuals.

Every business owner has big questions about what the future of business will look like, how we can get back on track quickly, and when is that vaccine coming! Some of you are wondering how to find a job in a sea of unemployment. For you, I’d like to help. Stay tuned for my pay-it-forward free business headshot project.

Moving Forward...

One thing we do know for sure is that clients might not be as open to coming into the office. Because of this, new clients will rely more on websites, videos, and photography to get a sense of the company, the employees, and how it is all run. Face-to-face meetings aren't going to happen for a little while, but that doesn't mean that your clients can't get to know you through a landing page video, authentic photography, and a great website.

Tightening up the visuals on your first contact point (website) is a great way to make your company look professional, approachable, trustworthy and authentic. Plus, the clients you've retained need to see who they are talking to on a zoom call and using professional photography is great way to maintain a pro look even when you are taking that call in your garage. Don't let a client fall through the cracks without introducing your company.

GoodHuman wants to help make all of that a possibility, and we’re taking all of the recommended precautions.

Safety and Health While Maintaining Quality:

Here are the CDC precautions GoodHuman will be following as our team makes our way to your business: Distancing, masks, face shields (if needed), gloves (if needed), hand sanitizer on site, no handshaking etc

Plus, the following precautions will relieve some tensions and are thankfully allowed through the magic of photo lenses.

Shooting outside with battery power:I prefer to shoot portraits inside, but a good workaround is by using my state-of-the-art equipment that can run the lights on battery power, which will allow most of the portraits to be shot outdoors if needed. Open parking lots, sidewalks around the building etc... are all potential photo studios. The quality of the imagery will not change by shooting outside.

Distancing: With the long lens I use, most of my photography is done well past the 6-foot recommenced distance. Often I’m more than 10 feet away from my subject. With the distance, masks, and outdoors, I feel very confident there would be very little opportunity to transmit anything.

Sliding scale': I'm changing my rates to be able to accommodate most budgets within reason. I am a big believer in paying it forward and if you are interested in working with me but have a smaller budget than pre-corona days, let me know and we can work something out. By me helping your business, you are helping the economy which ultimate helps all of us.

Paying it forward: As I mentioned before, I am looking to try and set up a free (or very affordable) portrait day to help out unemployed people who need a new LinkedIn/Bio portrait. At this point I am asking some of the readers of this blog to donate their parking lots so I have a nice outdoor space to work, plenty of parking for the subjects and safe for everyone. No one will need to enter your building. Just the parking lot. I want people back to work, and I want to do all that I can to help.

Things are going to be different for a while, but safely moving forward is possible!

Have a great summer and stay safe. Hopefully we can all grow and strengthen from this situation and come out better on the other side.

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